Tuesday, February 15, 2011

gems of fashion: Pamela Love

New York Fashion Week usually means a barrage of runway images and news feeds exploding with designer names and blog posts. It's rare that I come across an image that grabs me for a moment before I quickly try to ignore it as to avoid a mind clouded with trends. The above image from Pamela Love's Fall 2011 collection, which premiered at Milk Studios on Saturday, was the one that stopped me in my web-wandering tracks.


Chunky. Crystalline. Iridescent. What's not to love? I've always admired Pamela Love's work, even though some of it is too bohemian for my style (or too insanely expensive for my bank account). The pieces in this new collection, however, are like magical pendants of some science fiction goddess. They look weighty and strict in their geometry, but are also colorful and fun. The collection doesn't take itself too seriously, which is exactly what good jewelry should do. There is a union of heaven and earth that is so sweetly expressed in these pieces. Wearing a medallion of prismatic minerals, I imagine I'd be transported to another realm where glowing crystals are shooting stars and alien planets are ruled by celestial beings.

The installation that was behind the models during the show is also quite nice.

(images via HERE'S THE DEAL and Milk Made Live.)

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